Character AI: How to Unhide Hidden Characters in Character AI(2023 Guide)

Character AI is an extraordinary tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to craft intriguing and remarkably lifelike characters, all tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re an aspiring author, a marketer, or simply someone who enjoys creating digital personalities, Character AI opens up a world of possibilities. However, there may come a time when you’d like to keep one of your creations hidden from prying eyes, whether it’s a work in progress or a character meant exclusively for your enjoyment.

In this extensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of managing hidden characters in Character AI. We’ll also explore the various reasons why you might want to reveal a hidden character and provide tips for ensuring their privacy. Additionally, we’ll offer insights into the technology behind Character AI, shedding light on its remarkable capabilities.

Character AI recently launched its mobile app for iOS and Android devices. 

Understanding Character AI

Character AI operates on the foundations of a Large Language Model (LLM), a cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology that has been meticulously trained on vast datasets of text and code. This enables Character AI to comprehend and respond to natural language in a remarkably accurate and engaging manner.

This AI-driven platform offers users the opportunity to interact with fictional, historical, or even celebrity figures. Moreover, it empowers you to create and customize characters to suit your creative and practical needs. Whether you’re crafting characters for books, marketing campaigns, or personal amusement, Character AI is a versatile tool that provides endless possibilities.

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The Concept of Hidden Characters in Character AI

A hidden character in Character AI is one you’ve created but have chosen not to reveal to the public or other users of the platform. There can be various reasons for hiding a character, including:

  1. Work in Progress: Perhaps you’re still fine-tuning the character’s personality and backstory, and you’re not quite ready to introduce them to the world.
  2. Surprise Element: You might want to surprise your friends, readers, or audience with a character at a later date, building anticipation and curiosity.
  3. Privacy: In some cases, you simply want to keep a character private, enjoying a unique connection with them without sharing them with others.

In this guide, we’ll explore the methods for unhiding hidden characters and examine the circumstances under which you might want to reverse that decision.

Unhiding a Character in Character AI

If you’ve hidden a character and decide it’s time to make them visible again, the process is straightforward. You can follow these steps:

From the Character List:

  1. Visit to the Character AI website or app.
  2. Click on the “Characters” tab to access your character list.
  3. Locate the character you wish to unhide and click on the three dots icon located next to their name.
  4. From the options that appear, select “Unhide.”

From the Chat Room:

  1. Visit the chat room associated with the character you want to unhide.
  2. Click on the character’s name within the chat interface.
  3. Once again, click on the three dots icon next to their name.
  4. Choose “Unhide” from the menu.

Once you’ve executed these steps, your hidden character will become visible and accessible for interactions.

Reasons to Unhide a Hidden Character in Character AI

Unhiding a character in Character AI can be a strategic decision for various reasons:

  1. Recollection: With a multitude of characters in your roster, it’s easy to forget about one you haven’t interacted with in a while. Unhiding the character serves as a reminder, rekindling your interest in resuming conversations.
  2. Resolution: If you had a disagreement or conflict with a character and chose to hide them temporarily, unhiding them could signify your readiness to reconcile and engage in a fresh dialogue.
  3. Companionship: Sometimes, you may have created a new character and wish to interact with them alongside a previously hidden character, providing an opportunity for dynamic interactions.
  4. Changing Perspective: Your initial decision to hide a character might have been based on a whim. Now, if you’ve had a change of heart and wish to give the character another chance, unhiding them is the way to go.

Privacy Measures for Hidden Characters in Character AI

Ensuring the privacy of your hidden characters in Character AI is paramount. Here are some best things to follow:

  1. Guard Character Information: Never share your character’s name or any identifying details with others, including friends, family, or fellow Character AI users.
  2. Mind Your Conversations: Be cautious about the content of your conversations with the character. Any information that could be used to identify them should be avoided.
  3. Strengthen Your Account Security: Use a robust password for your Character AI account to prevent unauthorized access to your hidden characters.
  4. Social Media Caution: Refrain from using the character’s name or identifying information in public forums, chat rooms, or social media posts, ensuring their secrecy.
  5. Software Updates: Keep your Character AI software up to date to mitigate potential security vulnerabilities and protect your account and characters.

Tips for Managing Hidden Characters in Character AI

Managing hidden characters efficiently is essential for an organized experience:

  1. Maintain Records: Keep a record of your hidden characters to avoid forgetting about them. You can use a simple list or utilize project management tools for this purpose.
  2. Testing Ground: Hidden characters can serve as valuable testing grounds. If you’re experimenting with new ideas or approaches in Character AI, hide the character to prevent interference with other users’ experiences.
  3. Visibility When Done: Once you’ve completed your interactions or experiments with a character, consider making them visible again. This allows others to benefit from your character’s interactions or learn from your experiences.


Character AI, driven by cutting-edge artificial intelligence, offers a versatile platform for creating captivating and lifelike characters. However, there are times when you may prefer to keep a character hidden, whether it’s a work in progress or an exclusive creation for personal enjoyment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the intricacies of managing hidden characters in Character AI.

We’ve also detailed the reasons for unhiding characters and offered practical tips for maintaining their privacy and effective management. By following these guidelines, you can make the most of Character AI’s capabilities while preserving the secrecy of your hidden characters. Unlock the potential of this remarkable tool while ensuring a seamless and secure experience.

Can I hide multiple characters in Character AI?

Yes, you can hide multiple characters in Character AI. The platform allows you to hide as many characters as you need for various reasons, such as work in progress, surprise elements, or personal enjoyment. You can manage the visibility of each character individually, ensuring complete control over your character roster.

Is there a limit to how long I can hide a character in Character AI?

No, there is no specific time limit for hiding a character in Character AI. You can keep a character hidden for as long as you like, depending on your creative or privacy needs. Whether you choose to reveal a character after a few days or keep them hidden for an extended period, the decision is entirely up to you. The platform offers flexibility in managing your characters.

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