How to Use Reference Photos to Level Up Your Midjourney Creations in 2023

Midjourney AI is a powerful and innovative creative tool that harnesses the capabilities of artificial intelligence to assist and enhance artistic endeavors. Specifically designed to aid in generating visual content, Midjourney AI uses advanced algorithms to transform text prompts into vivid and intricate images.

By incorporating reference photos and utilizing a range of adjustable settings, Midjourney AI offers creators the ability to craft personalized and imaginative artwork that spans various styles and themes. With its intuitive interface and ability to adapt to different creative needs, Midjourney AI stands as a valuable companion for artists, designers, and anyone seeking to unlock new dimensions of creativity in their projects.

The Midjourney V5.3 update is expected to be released in October 2023.

  • Mobile app: A native iOS and Android app will be released.
  • New tools and features: New tools and features will be added, including the ability to create collages and animations.
  • Improved performance: The performance of Midjourney will be improved.

What are Reference Photos and How They Work in Midjourney

Reference photos are pictures that you can use to help Midjourney make better images. When you give Midjourney a reference photo along with your idea, it uses the photo to make sure the new image looks right in terms of colors, lighting, and overall appearance.

Improving Midjourney Designs with Reference Photos

  1. Getting the Look You Want:
    Reference photos help you achieve the specific appearance you have in mind for your design. If you want a picture to resemble something real or imaginary, reference photos guide Midjourney in creating that visual style.
  2. Adding Realism and Accuracy:
    By using reference photos, your designs become more true-to-life and precise. The details and elements in the reference photos help Midjourney generate images that look more genuine and accurate.
  3. Solving Design Problems:
    Sometimes, design challenges arise when you’re unsure about how to proceed. Reference photos can offer solutions by showing how similar problems were handled in real-world or artistic contexts. They provide guidance and inspiration.
  4. Exploring Different Styles and Ideas:
    Reference photos let you experiment with diverse artistic styles and creative ideas. You can blend elements from various photos or adapt their features to explore new artistic directions, leading to unique and captivating designs.

Easy Steps to Add Images to Midjourney Prompts

You have two options for adding pictures to your Midjourney prompts:

  1. Drag and Drop from Discord:
    If you have the pictures saved on Discord, you can simply drag them from Discord and drop them into the prompt box in Midjourney. This means you’ll open your Discord window where the picture is, click and hold the picture, then drag it over to the prompt box in Midjourney and release the mouse button. This action attaches the picture to your prompt.
  2. Copy and Paste Web Addresses:
    If the pictures are hosted online and have specific web addresses (URLs), you can copy the web address of each picture from your web browser’s address bar. Then, go to the prompt box in Midjourney and paste the copied web addresses directly into the prompt box. Midjourney will use these web addresses to access the pictures and incorporate them into the generated image.

Managing the Impact of Reference Images on Your Midjourney Creations

The influence of reference images on your Midjourney creations is determined by three factors:

  1. Quality of Reference Photos:
    The impact of reference photos depends on how well these pictures relate to your design idea. High-quality reference images with details that match your vision will likely have a stronger influence on the final result.
  2. Clarity of Your Prompt:
    The way you explain your design idea in the prompt matters. A clear and detailed description helps Midjourney understand your intentions better. This affects how much the reference photos guide the generated image.
  3. Settings in Midjourney:
    The choices you make in the Midjourney settings play a role in how much reference images shape the outcome. Adjusting settings like image size, style, and other parameters can increase or decrease the impact of reference images on the final artwork.

Finding the right balance between these factors allows you to manage and fine-tune how much influence reference images have on your Midjourney creations.

Tips for Using Pictures with Midjourney v5

Here are helpful tips for effectively using images in Midjourney v5:

  1. Select High-Quality and Clear Pictures:
    Opt for images that are sharp, detailed, and well-lit. Clear images provide better guidance to Midjourney, resulting in more accurate and appealing creations.
  2. Be Precise in Your Prompts:
    When describing your idea to Midjourney, provide clear and specific instructions. This clarity helps Midjourney understand your vision accurately and generate a fitting image.
  3. Experiment with Different Settings:
    Try out various settings within Midjourney v5. Adjust parameters like style, size, and other options to see how they influence the outcome. Experimentation can lead to discovering new and exciting results.
  4. Use Multiple Pictures if Needed:
    Don’t hesitate to use more than one reference image. Combining elements from different pictures can result in a more unique and well-rounded final image.

By following these tips, you can optimize your use of images in Midjourney v5 and enhance the quality of your generated creations.

Getting the Most Out of Reference Images in Midjourney

To achieve the best outcomes using reference images in Midjourney, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use Reference Images as Guides:
    Reference pictures act as blueprints for your artwork. They help Midjourney understand the style, composition, and details you want. Think of them as roadmaps that guide the image generation process towards your desired visual direction.
  2. Enhance Realism and Accuracy:
    Reference images lend authenticity to your creation. By using them, you ensure that elements in your artwork are lifelike and true to reality. The reference images provide a basis for Midjourney to replicate real-world qualities.
  3. Experiment with Different Styles:
    Reference pictures aren’t strict templates; they’re sources of inspiration. Feel free to play around with artistic styles. Use the reference images as starting points to explore new ways of presenting your design while keeping the essence of your original idea.
  4. Embrace Multiple Reference Images:
    Don’t limit yourself to just one reference image. Different pictures can contribute diverse aspects to your Midjourney creation. Combining features from multiple images can result in a more unique and compelling final piece.

By following these practices, you’ll maximize the benefits of using reference images in Midjourney, enabling you to create captivating and well-crafted artwork.

How Image Settings Affect Midjourney Creations

The choices you make regarding your picture’s settings in Midjourney significantly influence the outcome. Consider these key settings:

  1. Size:
    The size you select directly affects the level of detail in your picture. Larger sizes capture finer elements, while smaller sizes may result in less detailed images.
  2. Format:
    The format you choose impacts the visual quality of the picture. Different formats can enhance or diminish the overall appearance and sharpness of the image.
  3. Style:
    Your choice of style affects both the emotional tone and visual appearance of the picture. Different styles can evoke various feelings and alter the overall aesthetics of the image.

Paying attention to these settings ensures you have control over how your Midjourney creations turn out. Your decisions influence factors like detail, quality, and emotional impact, shaping the final image in a significant way.

Using and Not Using Reference Photos Wisely in Midjourney

Making the most of reference photos in Midjourney involves finding a balance:

  1. Usefulness without Dependence:
    Reference photos are beneficial, but avoid relying solely on them. Midjourney possesses remarkable capabilities even without them. Let the tool’s creativity shine alongside the references.
  2. Guidance, not Domination:
    Employ reference photos as guides, not rigid rules. Allow them to inspire and steer your creative process rather than dictating every aspect of the outcome.
  3. Quality over Quantity:
    Select reference photos thoughtfully. It’s better to choose high-quality images that align with your vision than to include numerous images that may not contribute effectively.

By adopting these practices, you’ll leverage reference photos effectively in Midjourney, enriching your creative journey while still embracing the tool’s remarkable potential.

Handling Picture Shapes and Strength in Midjourney

Understanding how picture shapes and strength impact your Midjourney creations is crucial:

  1. Shape’s Influence:
    The shape of the reference picture you use influences the overall appearance of the final image. Different shapes can alter the composition and arrangement of elements, affecting the visual balance and focal points.
  2. Strength’s Impact:
    The strength of the reference picture determines the level of detail it contributes to the generated image. Stronger reference pictures provide more distinct features and nuances, enhancing the realism and intricacy of the final outcome.

It’s essential to keep these factors in mind as you select and apply reference pictures in Midjourney. Choosing the right shape and adjusting the strength can lead to more intentional and impactful results.

Best Approaches for Picking and Applying Reference Photos in Midjourney

Selecting and applying reference photos in Midjourney involves thoughtful approaches:

  1. Clarify Your Vision:
    Begin with a clear understanding of what you intend to create. This clarity helps you choose reference photos that align with your idea.
  2. Match Your Concept:
    Search for reference photos that closely match your concept. This ensures the generated image aligns with your vision.
  3. Inspire, Not Copy:
    Let reference photos inspire your creativity, but avoid exact replication. Use them to infuse fresh perspectives into your creation.
  4. Experiment and Adapt:
    Try various reference photos and settings to find the best combination for your desired outcome. Experimentation leads to discovery and improvement.

By following these strategies, you’ll effectively use reference photos in Midjourney, resulting in compelling and personalized creations that reflect your unique vision.


Reference photos serve as valuable tools in enhancing your Midjourney creative process. By using them wisely, you can guide your designs, achieve realism, and explore various styles. While reference images offer valuable insights, it’s important not to overly rely on them, allowing Midjourney’s inherent capabilities to shine through.

Remember to balance your creative input with the guidance from reference photos, letting your ideas take the lead. Through careful consideration of image settings, shapes, and strength, you can tailor your Midjourney experience to yield impressive results.

What are reference photos in Midjourney AI?

Reference photos guide AI in creating accurate and appealing artwork by ensuring colors, lighting, and overall appearance match the desired style.

How do reference photos enhance Midjourney creations?

Reference photos improve realism and accuracy by helping AI produce lifelike and precise images based on actual visual cues.

How can I add images to Midjourney prompts?

Add images by dragging from Discord or copying and pasting web addresses of images into Midjourney’s prompt box.

How do I balance reference images and my creative input in Midjourney?

Use reference images as inspiration but balance them with Midjourney’s creativity for unique and balanced results.

What settings affect Midjourney’s use of reference images?

Image size, format, and style settings impact how reference images influence the final artwork in terms of detail, quality, and visual style.

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