Opus Clip AI in 2023: How To Make Short, Engaging Videos from Long Talking Videos

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital content creation, the power of video has taken center stage. However, transforming lengthy talking videos into captivating short clips that resonate with your audience can be a challenging task. That’s where Opus Clip AI comes in, revolutionizing the way we approach video editing with cutting-edge AI technology. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to harness the potential of this AI and craft compelling short videos from your long talking videos in 2023.

The Magic of Opus Clip AI: Creating Engaging Short Videos

This AI is your creative ally, enabling you to seamlessly convert long talking videos into bite-sized, attention-grabbing clips that are tailor-made for digital platforms. With this AI’s intuitive interface and powerful features, you can unlock a world of possibilities:

Sign Up for Opus Clip AI:

  • Visit the Opus Clip AI website.
  • Click on the “Sign Up” button.
  • Provide your email address and password.
  • Complete the registration by clicking “Create Account.”
  • Verify your email address to access the AI dashboard.

Benefits of Opus Clip AI:

  • Effortlessly create short, engaging videos from your long talking videos.
  • Leverage this AI’s capabilities to automatically generate captivating clips.
  • Seamlessly export your short videos to various social media platforms.
  • Gain insights into the performance metrics of your short video creations.

If you’re seeking a way to captivate your audience through concise and impactful video content, this AI is your ultimate solution.

Choosing the Right Plan: According to Your Needs

This AI offers a range of pricing plans to suit your requirements:

Essential Plan:

  • Craft up to 60 minutes of video per month for free.
  • Ideal for those dipping their toes into transforming long videos into viral short clips.
Minutes Per MonthCost per monthAverage HD clips
200m19 USD~50
400m38 USD~100
600m57 USD~150
800m76 USD~200
1000m95 USD~250
1200m114 USD~300
1400m133 USD~350
For creators’ month purchase plan: There is bulk sale also for purchase more than 3000m per month.

The credits expire from 60days from each billing date.

Minutes Per MonthCost per monthAverage HD clips
2400m13 USD~600
4800m26 USD~1200
7200m39 USD~1800
9600m52 USD~2400
12 000m65 USD~3000
14 400m78 USD~3600
16 800m91 USD~4200
For creators’ year purchase plan: There is bulk sale also for purchase more than 3000m per month.

All credits expire monthly.

Pro Plan:

  • Unlock advanced features for $19 per month.
  • Enjoy up to 120 minutes of video creation monthly.
  • Perfect for content creators seeking a comprehensive toolkit for impactful content.

Enterprise Plan:

  • Custom-priced to meet your demands.
  • Provides unlimited video creation, catering to professionals and businesses.

Engaging Short Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

Uploading Your Video:

  • Access the Opus Clip AI dashboard.
  • Select the “Upload Video” option.
  • Choose your long talking video in MP4 or MOV format (less than 10 GB, minimum resolution of 720p).
  • Let this AI process your video for further editing.

Enhancing Engagement: Tips for Your Long Talking Video:

  • Ensure optimal lighting and clear audio.
  • Speak clearly and at an appropriate pace.
  • Integrate visually engaging elements.
  • Consider segmenting your video for easier editing.

Utilizing Opus Clip AI’s AI for Short Videos:

  • Access the AI dashboard.
  • Click on “Create Short Video.”
  • Select your long talking video.
  • Specify the desired length and relevant keywords.
  • Initiate the short video creation process.

Optimizing Opus Clip AI’s AI for Best Results:

  • Enter concise and relevant keywords for precise content generation.
  • Adjust the desired length of the short video based on engagement goals.
  • Preview the short video before finalizing and exporting.

Exporting Your Masterpiece: Sharing Your Short Videos

1.Accessing Your Videos:

  • Navigate to the Opus Clip AI dashboard.
  • Go to the “My Videos” tab.
  • Select the short video you wish to export.

2.Export Formats and Quality:

  • Choose from formats like MP4, MOV, or WebM, optimized for various platforms.
  • Opt to include or exclude watermarks based on your preference.
  • Export your short videos at a high quality for maximum visual impact.

How to use:



In the dynamic realm of digital content creation, Opus Clip AI emerges as an innovative ally for transforming long talking videos into short, engaging masterpieces. Its intuitive interface, AI-powered capabilities, and range of pricing plans make it a valuable tool for content creators, marketers, educators, and businesses alike. By seamlessly blending advanced technology with your creative vision, this AI empowers you to captivate your audience like never before. Elevate your video content game and embrace the future of storytelling with this AI in 2023.

Unleash the potential of this AI today – sign up, create, and conquer the digital landscape with captivating short videos that leave a lasting impression. Your journey to video content excellence begins with Opus Clip AI.

  1. How does Opus Clip AI simplify the process of creating short videos?

    Opus Clip AI utilizes cutting-edge AI technology to transform lengthy talking videos into captivating short clips, streamlining the video editing process for maximum impact.

  2. What are the benefits of using Opus Clip AI for video content creation?

    Opus Clip AI empowers users to effortlessly create engaging short videos from long talking videos, leveraging AI capabilities, seamless social media export, and performance insights.

  3. What pricing plans does Opus Clip AI offer?

    Opus Clip AI offers the Essential Plan (up to 60 mins free), Pro Plan ($19/month, 120 mins), and Enterprise Plan (custom-priced, unlimited video creation).

  4. How can I enhance engagement in my long talking video before using Opus Clip AI?

    Ensure optimal lighting, clear audio, speak clearly, integrate visual elements, and segment your video for smoother editing and audience engagement.

  5. What are the steps to export short videos using Opus Clip AI?

    Access your Opus Clip AI dashboard, navigate to “My Videos,” select the desired short video, choose export format (MP4, MOV, WebM), and select watermark preferences.

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